Aventuras Panama

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Raft in Duckies • Class II-III • By Panama City


  • Panama kayak whitewater river kayaking
  • Lunch & beverages
  • All-inclusive package
  • Rapids Class II-III
  • Age: 12 and up
  • Gateway: Panama City


pacora river panama wild water kayaking panama white water

The Pacora River is located  only about an hour drive from Panama City Panama, toward the northeast. Kayak Panama White Water in this gorgeous river from July through November.  It is very narrow and shallow in most sections but it is ideal for kayaking during the rainy season, from July to mid December.  I has some challenging Class III rapids ( check Panama White Water Rafting Rapid Classification Here ) and two section to run it.


The upper part, from Chapala to  San Miguel takes around two hours and the lower part, from San Miguel to Carriazo takes around one and half hour.

It does have some challenging rapids: "La Batidora", The Shaker, has quite a drop in a narrow, rocky, channel. You don´t want to take chances on flipping in this rapid,  The Slalon is an easy adrenaline rush shute, some others make this trek a very fun ride.

View Pacora White Water by Aventuras Panama in a larger map


This trip is usually offered to groups on request and logistics are agree upon before trip date.


WHAT DOES IT INCLUDE ?  inflatable or rigid  kayak, guides, and snacks. Our guides are trained in kayak navigation skills, first-aid and CPR.

WHO CAN GO ? Any person from sixteen to sixty years old, in good health. Minors must travel with a responsible adult.

WHAT SHOULD YOU TAKE ALONG ? A pair of short for navigating, sneakers or straped sandals, a cap, sun-block, a towel and dry set of clothes for the trip back.

WHAT SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT ? Any object than can be deteriorated by water or valuables like jewels, cash, credit cards, etc.


USD $ 115.00 per person
Group leader will go free for a group of more than ten persons.


Kayak Panama whitewater from July through November

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